Joe Sixpack

[siks-pak] /ˈsɪks pæk/
Slang. the average or typical blue-collar man.
Also, Joe Six-pack.
1975-80, Americanism
British Dictionary definitions for joe six-pack

Joe Six-Pack

(US, slang) an average or typical man
Contemporary definitions for joe six-pack

See Joe Sixpack

Slang definitions & phrases for joe six-pack

Joe Six-pack

noun phrase

An ordinary American male; joe, joe average, joe blow: Do you think that Joe Sixpack in Illinois cares?/ a sleazy bar where go-go girls perform for goggle-eyed Joe Six-packs

[fr the six-bottle or -can packets of beer these men typically consume]

Idioms and Phrases with joe six-pack

Joe Six-pack

A lower-middle-class male. For example, I don't think opera will appeal to Joe Six-pack; he'd prefer a rock concert. This disparaging term, first recorded in 1977, conjures up the image of a man in undershirt and construction helmet who will down all of a six-pack (six cans or bottles of beer sold in a package) in an evening.